A number of customers have reported issue to us about failed payments. When you attempt to make payment the transaction is declined. However when you check with your bank they say it has been successful. This means that your bank has verified to the payments system that the amount of your purchase is available to, and only to, the merchant you selected but security or fraud prevention filters stopped the transaction. Every attempt that you make that results in an AVS failure generates it's own authorization and appear to be duplications of your order.

First let us assure you that the charge (or charges) on your account are an authorization only and will disappear. (If the charge actually appears on your monthly printed statement and we did not complete the transaction then please get in touch).

If you experience this problem (or any similar payment problem) on the GMpartsdirect website please ensure the address details exactly match those used on your card statement.

The failure is caused by our payment processor (PayPal) declining the transaction because of an AVS failure. This means they believe the billing address, name, zip or post code supplied does not match what the card issuer has submitted as the statement address. However many customers have indicated that it does match and still does not pass the filter. This is frustrating but fortunately not a  financial harm to you.

You can instead attempt payment via PayPal directly by using the “Pay with PayPal” option (with or without a PayPal account), this method fixes nearly all AVS issues.